Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thanks & Apologies

Thanks and sorry to everyone who came to the show at Mozarts last night. Anything that could have went wrong, went wrong, but we're so grateful to everyone who showed up, and bought a tape! First of all Ten Speed Bicycle and Loose Cannons Van door broke on their way to Swansea, which couldn't be helped, but it meant that they were two hours late to the show. It wouldn't have been so bad, but they were supplying the backline, which meant we literally could do nothing in regards to setting up until they arrived. The show was suppose to be all done by 10pm, which meant we had to somehow fit 4 bands into an hour and half, meaning that everyones sets were cut short a little, including ours, to a mere ten minutes... within the ten minutes, literally everything went wrong! From out of tune guitars, to snare drums falling over, to bass pedals breaking... you name it, it happened. I'm personally gutted as hell, and feel bad for the people who had come to the show just to see us, because well, I know if I was in your shoes it wouldn't have seemed worth it. So consider this an apology, we really do feel shit about what happened and if you find it in your hearts to forgive us, we promise that we'll play a million times better at the Iron Chic show next month, serial. If there's anything I have learnt from last night, it's that bad shit happens all at the same time, and that you should never rely on out of town bands to bring backline.

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